Mar 28, 2022 Azure

Azure Compute Gallery Automation

A few days ago, I shared a case about an Azure Compute Gallery image version, but I didn't say much about how it works or why we should use it. Cloud Computing has become a huge topic! Everyone is speaking about…

Mar 28, 2022 Architecture

Well-Architected Framework – Tool to Assess Your Azure Environment

When working with IT, you probably already thought about Cloud. When we start to talk about cloud computing, some questions may become into mind, like: How to use a Public Cloud correctly?Is it so expensive?Is it safe?Would my workloads be…

Mar 16, 2022 Azure Active Directory

No more Passwords! Say hello to the passwordless world

Today's subject is super interesting! We'll speak about passwordless technologies, and I'm happy to announce that this post is sponsored by Fetian Technologies, which shared some of their available products in the market for test proposals. A passwordless approach is…

Mar 15, 2022 Azure

ARM Templates | Azure

It is notable that Cloud Computing is no longer a future prognosis but part of the daily life of several companies and people, with it several changes and transformations have occurred. New ways to achieve goals, build and deliver something…

Mar 15, 2022 Networking

Access to VMs with Azure Bastion

When talking about cloud computing, Information Security is a topic that always comes up, and that prompts us to think about the best ways to keep data confidential, intact and available. A very common question would be how to access…

Mar 09, 2022 Azure

Creating an Image from a VMSS Instance

An interesting question came up yesterday from a colleague. He asked me the following: Can I create an image version on my Azure Compute gallery from a Virtual Machine Scale Set Instance? Their company has a large operation running over…

Mar 01, 2022 Accelerated Networking

Enabling Accelerated Networking on Multiples VM’s

A couple of weeks ago, a teammate asked me if is possible to enable Accelerated Networking in several VM's at the same time. Enabling it in a network interface is a simple process and, it does not require much technical…